Individuals, couples, and families face difficulties from time to time.
Reaching out for help is the first step in your wellness journey. A qualified professional can be helpful to support you as you work through life’s challenges. During a session, your professional counsellor will help you recognize the challenge and identify solutions to help you improve your quality of life.

Our team of counsellors are here for you. They can meet you in person, over the phone, or virtually.
We have certified counsellors who can help with:
Our counsellors can help you and your partner as you work to improve communication, problem-solving, intimacy challenges, or any other issue affecting your relationship.
Our trained counsellors understand the struggles families face and take the time to meet and listen to children and parents. Family therapy can include the child/ren, parent/s, or the whole family, depending on the needs of a family.
Our trained counsellors can help you gain awareness and understanding of anxiety and depression. Therapy sessions can also teach you coping skills and techniques to manage symptoms that will help you move forward and improve your well-being.
Stress is a normal part of life. At times, however, it can become overwhelming. Our counsellors will help you learn coping strategies and ways to better manage and ward off stress so that you are able to live a more balanced life.
Are you experiencing the negative effects from violence (current or past)? We can help you recognize the impact this has on your life while developing a plan for dealing with that impact.
In Canada, 1 in 10 people report being sexually victimized before turning the age of 18. We have a team of counsellors who are specially trained to help people of all ages deal with the immediate effects and/or long-term effects of abuse. We are also home to Kit’s Place, the second Child and Youth Advocacy Centre in New Brunswick.
The stages of grieving can be very painful and difficult. Our counsellors are trained to assist you as you manage your grief or loss.
Your personal challenges may vary from those mentioned, or may be a mixture. Together, you and a counsellor will assess your situation and recommend the most appropriate plan to support your mental health.
The following programs are currently available:
The Power of Community (A women’s survivor group)
This is an 8 week therapeutic group for women survivors of childhood and/or adult sexual assault. The group provides a supportive and safe environment for women to voice how sexual violence has affected their lives, and to help move towards a happy and healthy future. This program is delivered in partnership with Sexual Violence New Brunswick.
Male Survivors of Sexual Assault
This is an 8 week therapeutic group for male survivors of childhood and/or adult sexual assault. The group provides a supportive and safe environment for men to voice how sexual violence has affected their lives, and to help move towards a happy and healthy future. This program is delivered in partnership with Sexual Violence New Brunswick.
Legal System Advocacy for Survivors of Sexual Violence
ILA+ offers support, advocacy and legal information for those who have been affected by sexual violence and are navigating systems related to civil or criminal justice.
This program is available to survivors of any gender who have experienced sexual violence and who are:
16 year of age and older
Navigating or considering a criminal or civil process related to their experience of sexual violence.
Live in the Saint John area and/or are working with a system that is in Saint John region.
The Independent Legal Advice (ILA) + Program:
The ILA + Program is a free program that was developed to provide emotional support, legal information, system navigation, and advocacy to ensure the rights of survivors of Sexual Violence are being acknowledged and respected.
The program can refer clients to a roster of trauma-informed lawyers for legal advice and/or representation, in certain circumstances.
Available Services and Supports:
Emotional support
Legal Information Navigation
System Navigation
Independent Advocacy
Referral to trauma-informed lawyers for legal advice (and/or representation)
Individuals can self-refer to the ILA + Program by calling Family Plus during office hours or by completing an online referral form.
For more information please call Kristen at 506-643-0140

Sexual Violence Services
Family Plus offers many services for people affected by sexual violence.
Sexual Violence Counselling
Family Plus provides on-going therapy for survivors of all genders who have been affected by sexual violence. Adults (19 and over) are seen at Family Plus and youth under 19 are seen at Kit’s Place. Our sexual violence therapy services are free for anyone 16 and over. Those who are under 16 can be funded through social development or victim services after a report is made.
Sexual Violence Support Groups
Family Plus provides support groups for people who have experienced sexual violence. There are groups for adult women, adult men, children, teens, and non-offending parents.
Hospital Accompaniment Program
Family Plus offers a volunteer-based Hospital Accompaniment program for survivors of sexual violence who present at various hospital settings in the Saint John region. For more information on how to be a volunteer, please contact volunteer@familyplus.ca
Case Reviews
Family Plus, in addition to other community organizations, sit on a case review team with Saint John Police and KV Police. Once a quarter they review all sexual assault/sexual violence cases reported to police that did not proceed to charges. This is to identify gaps, ensure consistency and best practices within policing for cases of sexual violence. This is an important piece of advocacy work in supporting survivors.
Public Awareness & Education
Family Plus provides presentations and resources to groups and individuals to raise awareness and eliminate sexual violence through community education. Please contact us if your company would like to have a presentation on consent, sexual violence, or other related topics.

“I always wanted to get therapy but with kids, the house, and work, there didn't seem to be time for me. Now I'm retired, the kids have families of their own, and I live in a small apartment. I had no more excuses.
A friend of mine told me about Family Plus and an appointment was set. When I went to my first session the counsellor was good but wasn't the right fit for me. Which sometimes happens. I called and explained the situation and they were very understanding and referred me to a counsellor. Wow what a difference. I told the counsellor about all my issues and there were a lot of them. I told her about the problems that were interfering in my life and we started working on them. I learned new ways to deal with them and it has had a wonderful impact on me. During my last session my counsellor asked me how I was doing and I was able to say I was happy. Then I started to cry, I had never honestly been able to say that I was happy before and really mean it. It has been an emotional journey but has been well worth it for the calm, peaceful happiness I feel. I know there is more I need to work on and I'm so glad that Family Plus will be there to help me deal and cope with my life. So a big thank you to Family Plus and especially my counsellor.”
— Family Plus client